What’s Your Excuse?

Table of Contents

by Terry Morris, Regional Director – Central England & Wales

January is done. Finito. Over. At the time of writing this, 34 trading days of 2022 have been completed which, depending on your location and planned shutdowns for Christmas and other holidays, is 14% of the year.

Question number 1

How do your year-to-date invoiced figures compare to your full-year target? If they are less than 14%, then you’re already off-track.

Question number 2

Why? And this links to my “What’s your excuse?” question. 

Salespeople have a good catalog of excuses to choose from at the beginning of the New Year. Favorites include:

– “I’ve been busy handing over the accounts that I no longer look after to my colleagues”

– “I’ve been busy having new accounts handed over to me”

– “Well, you know – it’s always quiet at this time of year”

– “It’s hard with many of my client contacts still working from home due to Covid”

– “I’ve been waiting to know what my target will be” (that’s all sorts of wrong!)

Whatever version of “the dog ate my homework” is being used, the only thing worse than excuses is not knowing why individuals or teams are off-track.

The good news is that now is the ideal time to do something about it. You could wait until the end of the quarter, but that’s going to make any recovery plans harder.

At Kiss The Fish, we take a forensic look at the end-to-end sales processes of our customers with a view to looking for areas of improvement. We then take a hands-on approach to working with your salespeople to inspire them to exceed their targets, giving them the tools to do so and, improving your customers’ experience when dealing with you as a supplier.

You can see and hear more about how we do that by viewing this short video:

Take A Look!


There’s no excuse for not finding a way to get in touch!

Oh, for anyone who wants to know why I’ve used the picture of our dog Maddie caught in the act of destroying (yet another!) pet bed – I was thinking of using a stock “corporate image”, but then thought that a puppy photo might attract more interest.

That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

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